Mar 2019
TAV Technologies was awarded for the A-CDM implementation project of the Riga International Airport, Latvia(EU). The project is partially funded by the European Union and be completed in collaboration with Eurocontrol. Within the scope of delivery, TAV Technologies will provide the airport management system suite fully compatible with the CDM milestone approach which comprises:
· AODB - Airport Operational Database
· RMS - Resource Management System
· CMS - Commercial Management System (Billing)
· IB - Information Broker
The aim of the A-CDM project is to increase the capacity of International Airport Riga and improve processes of coordinated action among all parties involved in handling flights. The introduction of CDM procedures will ensure a more efficient decision-making process based on more precise and timely exchange of information and a unified understanding of the situation among all parties.
The implementation of the project will significantly improve the quality and safety of services for airspace users, as well as passengers. This will be made possible by improved precision in planning take-off schedules, reducing wait time at the terminal, as well as on the runway, especially during “rush hour”, and by reducing resource and fuel consumption costs for airlines pertaining to wait time before take-off and preparing aircraft for flights. Furthermore, environmental pollution will also be reduced.
A-CDM will improve air traffic flow management at the airport by reducing flight delays, improving punctuality and optimizing use of resources. The number of flights at Riga Airport keeps growing from year to year, thus by introducing A-CDM the airport will have finished its preparations for future traffic growth. A-CDM allows the partners of the airport to take correct decisions in collaboration with airlines, ground handling service operators, air navigation service providers and other airport service providers, thus reducing costs and making Riga Airport ever more attractive for airlines and raising its competitiveness not only in the Baltics, but the region as a whole.
The project is planned to be completed by the end of 2019.