Sustainable Procurement Policy

Sustainable Procurement Policy

As TAV Bilişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. (“TAV Technologies”), our main goal is to integrate sustainability principles into all stages of our business model in order to “leave a sustainable world for future generations”. Our Sustainable Procurement Policy has been created to demonstrate our commitment to the principle of sustainability, to make our supply chain sustainable in consideration of our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) responsibilities and to embrace responsible procurement practices.

Behaves Transparently and Ethically: TAV Technologies will be transparent in its decisions and activities that affect the environment, society and the economy by complying with ethical rules and promoting ethical behavior throughout its supply chains.

Provides Equal and Fair Opportunity: TAV Technologies avoids bias and prejudice in all procurement decisions. All suppliers, including local suppliers and small and medium-sized enterprises, are given an equal and fair opportunity to compete.

Respect for Human Rights, the Rule of Law and International Norms of Conduct: TAV Technologies strives to be aware of any violations throughout the supply chain. It actively encourages its suppliers to comply with these rules and evaluates compliance and takes measures when necessary.

Respects Stakeholder Interests and Performs Cost Analysis: TAV Technologies respects the interests of stakeholders affected by its procurement activities and takes into account the impact throughout the life cycle and the costs and benefits for society, the environment and the economy resulting from its procurement activities.

Focuses on Needs, Offers Innovative Solutions and Integration: TAV Technologies seeks solutions to achieve its sustainability goals, promotes innovative procurement practices and ensures that they are integrated into all existing procurement practices to drive more sustainable outcomes across the entire supply chain.

Drives Accountability and Continuous Improvement: TAV Technologies is committed to being accountable for the impact of its activities and strives to continuously improve its sustainability practices and results, encouraging their adoption across its supply chains.

As TAV Technologies, we aim to manage our procurement processes responsibly in line with ESG practices by adhering to sustainability principles. Our goals and sub-goals form the foundation of our sustainable procurement policy and define our roadmap for longterm success.