What is the Airport Operational Database (AODB)?
Airport operational database (AODB) is the “heart” of airport operations management. The Airport Operational Database integrates airport control systems, airport resource allocation, and airport invoicing systems. It works as a central database hub for each flight-related information on a real-time basis.
Benefits of Airport Operational Database (AODB)
Airports are managed by different systems which directly use certain data sets. It is vital to assure accuracy in reference data to guarantee a seamless information flow between various airport management systems. Airport Operational Database overcomes difficulties in managing scattered data stored in the airport ecosystem. Therefore, airports can have insightful information about their operational processes, scheduling, and billings through AODB.
The AODB supports the automatic transfer of seasonal flight schedule data and the generation of daily flight schedules. Therefore, airports can have insightful information about their operational processes, scheduling, and billings through this system.
TAV Technologies AODB
TAV Technologies Airport Operational Database (AODB) is a resilient and comprehensive central repository for operational flight data management. It combines efficiency along with guaranteed, consistent, and robust operational performance. AODB stores distributes, and manages all seasonal and real-time flight data. Additionally, the system transforms all aeronautical and non-aeronautical services data into accurate financial figures quickly and coherently.
TAV Technologies AODB offers a customized, fast, and intuitive user interface and gathers information from all operations-related systems within the airport, updating changes in real time. It is a multi-tiered application whose user interface is designed with state-of-the-art web technologies, taking advantage of cross-browser and platform compatibility.
TAV Technologies AODB is configurable depending on the operation and size of the airport. AODB is equally well suited for small, medium-sized, or large airports. According to the needs of the airports, the system can be downsized or tailored.
Benefits of TAV Technologies AODB
- AODB offers centralized management of multiple terminals and airports at the same time.
- It is compliant with the Eurocontrol A-CDM approach provides a collaborative working environment for all aviation stakeholders.
- It offers a web-based and user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI).
- It provides real-time communication between all parties.
- It offers configurable IATA and ICAO codes support.
- It serves multilingual user interfaces.
- It provides strong ad easily configurable user Access Management.
- It guarantees enhanced security via authorization and authentication mechanisms at all levels.
- It enables future systems to be integrated with minimum disruption.
- It is scalable to meet future airport expansion needs.
- It is independent of the platform and database.
- It has extensive statistical and reporting capabilities.
- It can be easily integrated into any ERP system for billing.
TAV Technologies AODB Modules
Seasonal Flight Management System (SFMS) Module
This module enables operators to plan seasonal flight schedules. Flight data is recorded here at the beginning of specific periods (winter/summer tariff flights). The seasonal flight management module works as the main application for the seasonal flight schedules of an airport. TAV Technologies AODB SFMS provides the following functionalities:
- SFMS manages seasonal flight schedules
- It generates active flight information from seasonal schedules and distributes them to related systems
- It imports/exports seasonal flight schedules from/to various formats and files
TAV Technologies AODB SFMS is already integrated with a set of external systems to receive seasonal flight schedules (or SSM messages) automatically. These systems are:
- Ground Handler Integrations
- SSIM Integration
- Sitatex Integration
Active Flight Management System (AFMS) Module
Daily operations are managed through this module. Seasonal data is transferred here to actively manage daily data. Active flight management is the core management application for flights in an airport, providing the following functionalities:
- AFMS provides fast and easy management and distribution of active (daily) flight information
- It imports/exports active flight schedules from/to various formats and files
- It offers management of flight and aircraft movements
- It offers management of flight status changes
- It provides management of resource usage of flights and aircrafts
- It follows a one-click user actions approach (resource allocation, data manipulation, etc.) on the user interface
- It auto-updates flight information on the screen
- It is equipped with user action auditing and built-in reporting functionalities, plus advanced 3rd party reporting facilities
- It is useful for a collaborative working environment
Reference Data Management Module
The list of countries, cities, airports, airlines, and airport resources is kept within this module.
- Reference data management is also known as a knowledge base management system (KBMS) in the sector.
- The reference data management module is the knowledge base data warehouse for referential and configuration data.
- It is a management application for reference and configuration data in an airport such as:
Airport, airline codes: IATA, ICAO
City, country codes; IATA, ICAO
Aircraft types, registrations, MTOWs
Resource and equipment types within the airport: counters, aerobridges, lounges, carousels, gates, etc.
Flight-related definitions; flight modes, types, remarks, etc.
Airport setup data
User authorization rules
User authentication parameters
Notification and alert management
Auditing facilities
Airport setup data
Media management
Reporting Services Module
This module enables airport operators to see daily flight lists, delay lists, etc. The module generates reports according to preset metrics.
AODB Frequently Asked Questions
You can find the answers regarding the AODB system below:
Q1.What is the purpose of AODB?
AODB (Airport Operational Database) aims to provide a centralized and accurate database of real-time information related to airport operations. AODB serves as a hub for data related to flights, passengers, baggage, gates, and other resources. This allows airports to optimize their resources, reduce operational costs, and improve the overall passenger journey.Q2.How does AODB work?
AODB integrates data from various airport systems, such as flight information display systems, baggage handling systems, resource management systems, etc. AODB consolidates this data into a single database and provides real-time updates to all airport stakeholders, including airlines, ground handlers, airport operators, and regulatory aviation institutions. This information is accessed through an interface that allows users to view, analyze, and control data as needed.
Q3.What are the features of AODB?
The features of AODB include:
- Real-time data updates:
- Integration with other airport systems
- Automated data validation
- Reporting and analytics
- Resource optimization