What is Airport Operational Database (AODB) ?

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What is Airport Operational Database (AODB) ?

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Airports are managed with various systems and IT applications all over the world since they contain a vast amount of data. They are 24/7 living mechanisms with continuously evolving flight and passenger information. It would be unmanageable to work with numerous airport stakeholders simultaneously if we did not benefit from technology and its valuable outcomes. One of those crucial systems is Airport Operational Database, known as AODB.

An Airport Operational Database (AODB) is the core system that collects all the flight-related data of an airport. It is positioned as the main data storage to supply a consistent and reliable piece of information for each airport stakeholder. AODB is a paramount system to maintain everyday operations efficiently through its direct impact on the reciprocal decision-making process among various parties. The system consecutively stores, distributes and manages all seasonal and real-time flight data. It integrates a wide range of technological systems such as airport control systems, airport resource allocation, and airport invoicing systems under a single platform. AODB is the unified data source for all airport parties with multiple report functions.

How Would Airports Benefit From Airport Operational Database (AODB)?

Data-Driven Decision-Making Process

In general, airport employees rely on the data that is captured by AODB. Operational efficiency and passenger satisfaction are mostly dependent on being able to accurately receive information. If airport managers had no real-time flight, baggage, and passenger data; it would be impossible to make coherent conclusions. Shortly, AODB enables decision-makers to define their paths and strategies based on real-time information.

Ability to Manage Scattered Data

Airports contain different data sets. It is highly critical to guarantee a foolproof flow among these data sets without losing any meaningful information. Airport Operational Database overcomes difficulties in controlling scattered data reserved in the airport ecosystem. It would be hard to derive a daily flight schedule from seasonal flight data sets without AODB. The system manages the data stored in the airport ecosystem to offer insightful information about the operational flow, scheduling, and billing.

Long-Term Passenger Planning

AODB is a beneficial assistance for airport staff when they are working on flight and passenger traffic for different periods. The system provides long-term visibility of traffic forecasts to allow the airport management to lead resource allocation in compliance with the actual needs. Therefore, managing an airport without AODB would cause inefficiencies in resource management together with incoherent long-term planning. Resource planning is a critical step for each airport, especially for international hubs hosting too many airlines and ground handling companies. Resource plans are much more controllable with a well-designed AODB system.

Real-time Analysis

AODB systems can demonstrate the real-time performance of airports with instant data displayed on employee dashboards. Managers can track spontaneous changes in key performance metrics by detecting bottlenecks. It would end up missing important incidents in an ongoing operation without a successfully designed AODB. The system is highly helpful for both users and managers to understand the workflow and take precautions at problematic steps with statistics and reporting functions.

